Highland Manor Farm Summer Outreach Show

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It’s Not About the Ribbons. It’s About the Ride.

Highland Manor Farm of Columbia, Tenn. kicked off their first 2020 USHJA Outreach Show on June 6-7, 2020, after two spring shows had to be rescheduled for the fall. The show featured Hunters and Equitation classes on Saturday and Jumpers on Sunday. There was a special $250 2’6” Hunter Derby on Saturday morning, which awarded cash prizes for the top six placings. Judge for the show was Jennifer Mitchell-Wuornos of Mt. Jackson, Virginia. The show operated under the rules of the USHJA Outreach program. Find more information about it at: https://www.ushja.org/competition/outreach. Show managers made sure that everyone was informed about and followed the special COVID-19 guidelines.

Dr. Brenda May, owner and show steward, commented on the show: “The show was a wonderful event that was well attended, and it was great to be able to re-open hunter/jumper showing to Middle Tennessee. Our $250 Hunter Derby (sponsored by Tennessee Equine Hospital, Caney Fork Forge Farrier, Maury Farmer’s Cooperative, and Silver Bay Jumps) was won by Odelia, owned and ridden by Sarah Truett.” Prentice, ridden by Heather Dunham, was second.

“Highland Manor Farm is very pleased to be able to offer these quality local Outreach shows with national recognition by the United States Hunter Jumper Association. The show series continues throughout the year with even more prizes donated by our newest sponsor, Dover Saddlery.”

Two horses at the show – brothers –shared a very special story. Dr. May explained that the brothers are “Wolfgang WF (foaled 2009) and Wreign (foaled 2010). Both were sired by the Grand Prix winning stallion, Waldaire (now deceased). Each suffered tragic injuries as foals.”

The chestnut on the cover is Wreign. “We bred him and he was our first ever foal. He essentially should not be alive. He shattered his hock bone at 7.5 weeks old. We were advised to put him down.

“New Holland Vet Hospital in Pennsylvania offered to attempt to cast him for a minimum of $40K.  We did the medical care ourselves, with the help of Dr. Penny Grove, DVM.  I am a surgeon and did the soft tissue work and set the leg; my husband, an engineer, helped design the cast. It required a new cast every single day for 8 weeks.  There are X-rays and photos that document the entire process. He was even evaluated by Virginia Veterinary College with X-rays at 6 years of age, which showed that the bone fused and fully healed. He is sound for riding. After he was fully mature and finished growing, he was started under saddle and that was his first horse show ever.

“The older brother, Wolfgang WF, had what should have been a career ending injury at 7 months old. He was body slammed by his pasture mates into a fence T-post and it skewered his leg right at the stifle. He had a massive injury and wound and it was thought he would never be sound. He was turned out to a field for years after the gaping wound closed up, and to the surprise of the breeder, he was sound! He was specially sold to our daughter because of how we had healed Wreign’s broken leg. She was 15 and trained him herself.

“The two brothers have shown to be incredibly resilient. This show was Wolfgang WF’s first show over fences. He is sound and has jumped up to 2’9” with no issues, and we have even had the vet tell us he may have no limits.”
It’s always good to hear of horse and people overcoming incredible odds to heal and succeed.

Find full results of the show at horseshowsonline.com. Find more information about this and other shows at Highland Manor Farm at: www.highlandmanorfarm.net.   

The Outreach show person at USHJA is Melanie Mader and her email is MMader@ushja.org
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