Some of the more exciting and crowd pleasing classes at the Germantown Charity Horse Show (GCHS) are the Speed Racking classes. These are Single-Footing horses performing at top speeds around the oval arena. The Single-Footing horse performs in the Speed Racking classes at an even timed, 4-beat, ground-covering gait in which the horse is moving with one foot on the ground at a time. Some of these horses can reach and exceed speeds of 20 mph or more.
In the Youth Speed Racking, 17 & Under, Jillian Butler and Highway’s Wild Rose were the winners.
In Junior Speed Racking, horses 3-4 years, Kayla Pattat and Speck’s Mr. Undertaker won the blue.
In the Trail Pleasure English Racking and Western Pleasure Racking, Laura Hooker and Flo’s Promise won the blue ribbons & trophies.
In Trail Pleasure Western Racking, Jim Morris and The Boogie Man took top honors.
Jessica Burchfield and Gone With The Wind won the Novice Speed Racking class.
In Country Pleasure Racking, it was Nicholas Ellis and Jazz Valor who were the winners.
In the Flat Shod Racking Horses division, Jason Morris and Evil Intentions were the winners.
In Pleasure Racking, Laura Hooker and Generator By Jazz won the Championship.
And in the crowd favorite Open Speed Racking Brian Hodges and Rojo were the champions. Coming back on Saturday night for the Speed Racking Grand Championship, it was, once again, Brian Hodges and Rojo taking home the show Championship. Jessica Burchfield and Gone With The Wind were Reserve, and Jacob Parks placed third on Falcon’s Rowdy Revelation.
In the Youth Speed Racking, 17 & Under, Jillian Butler and Highway’s Wild Rose were the winners.
In Junior Speed Racking, horses 3-4 years, Kayla Pattat and Speck’s Mr. Undertaker won the blue.
In the Trail Pleasure English Racking and Western Pleasure Racking, Laura Hooker and Flo’s Promise won the blue ribbons & trophies.
In Trail Pleasure Western Racking, Jim Morris and The Boogie Man took top honors.
Jessica Burchfield and Gone With The Wind won the Novice Speed Racking class.
In Country Pleasure Racking, it was Nicholas Ellis and Jazz Valor who were the winners.
In the Flat Shod Racking Horses division, Jason Morris and Evil Intentions were the winners.
In Pleasure Racking, Laura Hooker and Generator By Jazz won the Championship.
And in the crowd favorite Open Speed Racking Brian Hodges and Rojo were the champions. Coming back on Saturday night for the Speed Racking Grand Championship, it was, once again, Brian Hodges and Rojo taking home the show Championship. Jessica Burchfield and Gone With The Wind were Reserve, and Jacob Parks placed third on Falcon’s Rowdy Revelation.