Tennessee Valley Hunt

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Info from Madison Walker, Photos by John Hawkinson

Tennessee Valley Hunt hosted their annual Sponsor’s Hunt and Basset Hunt the first weekend in April 2022.

Madison Walker wrote: “That weekend was a special one. Twice a year we do Blackberry Farm sponsored events. They are ticketed events that members attend. The weekend started out Friday night (April 1) at Blackberry Farm with dinner at Bramble Hall. On Saturday (April 2) we met at 10 a.m. at Blackberry Farm for our Basseting hunt. After three hours of fun and a lovely view of a rabbit, lunch was served. Sunday (April 3) wrapped up our weekend with a private foxhunt at Baker Creek for our sponsors at 1 pm.” 

Blackberry Farm is a luxury resort located on 4,200 acres in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains at Walland, Tenn. Blackberry Farm is renowned for its gourmet cuisine, with much of the food grown on the farm, supervised by master gardener John Coykendall. [The Mid-South Horse Review profiled Coykendall in our Nov. 2019 issue.] Find more information at: https://www.blackberryfarm.com/

Find more information about Tennessee Valley Hunt at: https://www.tvhfox.com/and on facebook at Tennessee Valley Hunt.

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