Dressage 4Kids

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By Kathy Massey

Hanna Hudson and Caitlyn Massey of Arlington, Tenn. attended Lendon Gray’s Dressage 4Kids clinic at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, Georgia on September 17-18, 2021. At this TEAM Program Clinic with Lendon Gray, Rachel Chowanec Kaney, and Jos Sevriens, Friday and Saturday were designated clinic days with lectures, testing, and finishing with dinner together. Fortunately, the covered arena at the Georgia International Horse Park was used for all events. Sunday September 19th was the D4K Atlanta Youth Festival show.

Hanna, who is riding her mother’s horse (Noble Gold) “Nugget,” rode in the clinic and showed at First Level. Coming from a successful Hunter background, this was Hanna’s first experience with Dressage. Steeped in Dressage from early childhood, Caitlyn and Mikato, “Mac” participated at Third Level.

Hanna won her First Level division and her First Level Equitation class. All participants are required to ride in an Equitation class for their level. Caitlyn won her Third level class and placed first in her Equitation class for Second Level and above with a 90% score. Caitlyn also received the award for Highest Equitation score.  

The participants were also divided into teams, with stall decorating assignments and a chance to help and encourage each other. Hanna and Caitlyn’s team placed first for combined scores (written test, dressage test, and equitation score). Caitlyn won a beautiful silver plate for Overall High Combined Score.

The Georgia Horse Park is a wonderful venue for events and this one was certainly successful. People like Lendon Gray are leading our young riders to become successful in the sport of Dressage. 

For more information about this and other programs, visit: https://dressage4kids.org/

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