David Rhodes Memorial Barrel Race

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Photos by Gary Cox

On Saturday March 27, 2021 photographer Gary Cox stopped by the David Rhodes Memorial Barrel Race in at the Yalobusha County Multipurpose Building Coffeeville, MS to capture some of the action.  “There was quite a turnout at the event!” he said.

We are seeing more children wearing safety helmets at barrel racing events, which protect their developing brains. Head injuries occur most frequently in riders under 21 years of age. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all young riders wear an ASTM/SEI-certified helmet, properly fitted, with the chins strap fastened. Most serious head injuries can be prevented with the use of an ASTM/SEI-certified, properly fitting, equestrian helmet.

The barrel race offered Buckaroo, Pony, $1500 added Open 4D, $250 added Youth 4D, and $250 added Adult 4D. There was also $100 added 3D Open Pole Bending.  All proceeds from the event go directly to the Rhodes family.

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