Mid-South PEMF

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By Nancy and Tommy Brannon

Enhancing the body’s own healing process is the purpose of various therapies. One such therapy is Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, which is said to stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygenation and circulation. We visited Mid-South PEMF, which provides PEMF therapy services for humans, equines, and other animals, to find out more about it. Owned by Andi and Bryan Anderson, the business is housed in a portion of their barn on Deadfall Road near Arlington, TN, as well as mobile. The Andersons utilize Magna Wave machines for this therapy.

The PEMF machines have an electrical current that runs through a copper coil, creating a pulsing magnetic field, which is tuned to particular wave forms and frequencies. A pulsating magnetic field is said to have a positive influence on many diseases/healing processes. Every organ in the body produces its own bio-electromagnetic field, and using PEMF is a way to enhance those energy fields to improve cellular functioning.

Andi Anderson explained how it works: “PEMF penetrates through every tissue layer, including bone, all the way down to the cellular level. Repairing the cell membrane by normalizing the membrane potential, allows the cell to transport electrolytes, nutrients, and waste in a normal healthy flow. Optimizing the cell back to its normal healthy state increases the body’s ability to heal itself. PEMF accelerates the healing process by stimulating the body to repair damaged cells and tissue, while decreasing inflammation, pain, and improving the immune system. It is safe for all humans and animals, and has FDA approval for several uses.”

Andi and Bryan have been using PEMF for four years and have been certified by Magna Wave for a year. Andi has used her Magna Wave machine on herself, her husband, her family, and friends, as well as her own horses and dog. Watching her use it on her barrel racing mares, one could actually see the effects of the pulsating action, called fasciculation. One can see the muscles contract and relax as the machine pulsates. She explained, “The electricity goes in a circular motion, which creates the magnetic field. It acts on the cell membrane and stimulates the sodium-potassium pump, located in the cell membrane, to enhance normal cellular functions. This assists the cells with the uptake of oxygen, water, and critical nutrients and antioxidants, while helping purge cellular waste, CO2 and toxins.” She added, “A minute percentage of people and horses are very sensitive to PEMF. It is not recommended for use in those with a pacemaker or other similar battery-operated implanted devises.

Andi is pleased with the results she gets on the horses. “When you put it on the horses, they relax, get calm, and seem to enjoy it.”She uses it on her own horses before or after a trailer ride or barrel race to relax and get them ready for race, or post-work out to optimize their comfort, rest, and recovery.

She has a foal who was diagnosed with septic arthritis, that her veterinarian said would have less than 10% chance to be sound. But Andi did not want to relegate him to being a yard decoration, so she started twice daily sessions on him. He liked it so well that he would come in the barn and lay down on the magnetic loop. He is now two years old, sound, and in training.

Andi says PEMF can be used on acute or chronic injuries or diseases, for maintenance, overall wellness and health, and before and after work for performance horses. They take appointments for outside horse, other animals, and humans, and she can either go to the animal/human or folks can bring their horse to her barn.

Find more information from Magna Wave at: www.magnawavepemf.com. Find Mid-South PEMF on facebook to contact Andi or Bryan.

There is anecdotal evidence of PEMF’s positive effects, so we checked to see if there were any scientific studies on its effectiveness. We found several scholarly articles testing the effectiveness of Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Here is one example.

P. Vavken, F. Arrich, O. Schuhfried. 2009. “Effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” Journal of Rehabilitation.

“Objective: To assess the effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic fields compared with
placebo in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee. Conclusion: Pulsed electromagnetic fields improve clinical scores and function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and should be considered as adjuvant therapies in their management. There is still equipoise of evidence for an effect on pain in the current literature.”

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