Equine Coronavirus and COVID-19 Are NOT the Same

From the Equine Disease Communication Center

The equine coronavirus (ECoV) and COVID-19 are two distinct RNA viruses. ECoV can cause gastrointestinal disease in horses with signs of fever, depression, diarrhea and colic. To date there is no evidence that COVID-19 causes disease in horses or other animals.

For more information about ECoV go to: https://aaep.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Outside%20Linked%20Documents/DiseaseFactsheet_CoronavirusFINAL%20Cobranded%20.pdf

and https://www.vet.cornell.edu/animal-health-diagnostic-center/veterinary-support/disease-information/equine-enteric-coronavirus
The American Association of Equine Practitioners has a fact sheet on Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Equestrian Facilities at: http://equinediseasecc.org/Content/ContentDocs/Prevent%20COVID%20in%20Equestrian%20Facilities%20AAEP.pdf

Among the recommendations are to restrict access to a boarding facility to essential personnel; stay 6 feet apart from other people and do not congregate; do not allow access to the facility to anyone who has been exposed to a person with symptoms of COVID-19.

Do not touch anything unless you need to use it; avoid sharing equipment and supplies. The virus can persist on non-porous materials (leather bridles/saddles/halters, nylon halters/lead ropes, gate latches, door handles, spray nozzles) longer than on porous materials (cotton lead ropes, saddle pads). Disinfect gate latches, spray nozzles, cross tie snaps, pitchforks, wheel barrows, and other frequently used non-porous surfaces regularly or after contact with personnel. Stall door handles, hose ends, light switches, and feed scoops that are handled by many people should also be cleaned and disinfected frequently.

Practice good hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or using  a >60% alcohol hand sanitizer after touching a horse, communal areas, or communal equipment to prevent environmental spread of the virus. Hand sanitizer is not as effective as soap and water.

Find much more information at: http://equinediseasecc.org/coronavirus-resources 

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