Traeger Grill Demo

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Want to get out of the kitchen and still have the tastiest Thanksgiving dinner ever? On Saturday November 9, 2019 Ed and Jill Dempsey at Stewart Brothers Hardware showed folks how to easily change their ordinary Thanksgiving dinner into an extraordinary feast! The secret? Cook your entire dinner on a Traeger Grill – not just smoked turkey.

Jill and Ed will gave tastings of their delicious fare and even had recipes to hand out. “You can cook anything on the grill, and you can cook multiple things at the same time on it,” explained Jill. Jill says she can even use her good cooking crocks on the grill because no residue from the grill gets on the bottom. The grill uses hardwood pellets and operates with a thermostat to keep the grill at the specified temperature. It automatically adds pellets as needed to keep the temperature even, just like an oven.

Saturday’s Thanksgiving dinner samples included green bean casserole, potatoes au gratin casserole, broccoli and rice casserole, turkey and dressing, and desserts of apple brown betty cooked in an iron skillet and a yummy pumpkin cheesecake – all cooked on the Traeger grill! Jill even cooked smoked whipped cream on the grill to go on the cheesecake. The taste was amazing!

Ed and Jill’s daughter Jacqueline was there, too, with her 5-month-old daughter Luna.

Stewart Brothers Hardware is located at 7715 U.S Hwy 70 (Summer Ave.) in Ellendale, Tenn. 38133. Find more information about Stewart Brothers at: or call (901) 377-1234.

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