Volunteer Ranch Horse Show

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By Nancy Brannon

The Volunteer Ranch Horse Association (VolRHA) was back in Memphis, TN at the Show Place Arena for its Spring Fling, April 12-14, 2019. Entries were good for this show, about 500, same as they were for the March show in Memphis. Folks came from all over the U.S. to compete in this show, sanctioned by three organizations: NRCHA, AQHA and AQHA Versatility, and VolRHA. There were entries from Virginia, West Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Maine, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, and Georgia

This show featured two new NRCHA shows with $1,000 added each day: the DC Cow Horse Gear Derby and the Tennessee Equine Hospital Bridle Spectacular. The DC Cow Horse Gear Derby attracted 22 competitors vying for the prize money. Allison Horton’s SJR Playin Diamonds, ridden by Joe Harper, was the Open Derby – Herd winner. Bruce & Trish Carter’s Wisha Pony Star, ridden by Travis Lowndes, won the Open Bridle Spectacular – Herd Work and Reined Work. Jeremy Cox’s BLT Smart Little Rey, with Dillon Cox riding, won both the Non-Pro and Novice Non-Pro Bridle Spectacular – Herd Work.

The AQHA Memphis Roping Classic offered two roping events, earning riders and horses two sets of AQHA points. Additional AQHA classes included the Versatility Ranch Horse.

The show started with Roping classes on Friday night with 110 roping runs! They ran three show pens on Saturday morning to accommodate all the exhibitors.

It was a very successful show, VolRHA show staff said, and they are thankful for all the sponsors and the many volunteers who helped make the show a success.

Full results from the show are available at: www.volrha.com. Click on the “show score sheets” tab, then the April Spring Fling Show Results. The VolRHA folks travel to the Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro, TN for their Memorial Day weekend Salute Our Troops show, May 24-26, 2019.

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