Knotty Bolden Memorial Rodeo

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The 32nd annual Knotty Bolden Memorial Rodeo was held July 22-23, 2016 at Jerry Bolden’s J Bar B Rodeo Co., in the Knotty Bolden Memorial Arena, located on Hwy. 7, six miles north of Holly Springs, MS.

This year the Knotty Bolden Memorial Buckle, donated by Cowboy Corner of Southaven, MS, was awarded to Fred Snow of Holly Springs, MS. Jerry Bolden announced the award at the beginning of the Rodeo on Saturday night. He sang the praises of Fred who has worked for the Boldens for 50 years. Jerry said that he was so proud to have known and worked with Fred all these years.

Jerry also dedicated this year’s Rodeo to his mother Addie May Bolden, who passed away September 16, 2015   
The 2016 Rodeo had 150 entries in Team Roping, Breakaway Roping, Bull Riding and Barrel Racing. Funny man Jason Gulley of Meridian, MS kept the crowd laughing, and Travis Royal of Byhalia, MS with his team of bull fighters, kept the bull riders safe.

Funnyman Jason Gulley had lots of funny one-liners throughout the performance. Speaking of one bull, who didn’t want to leave the arena after he dumped his rider, Gully quipped: “That bull must be married, because he doesn’t want to go home.” 

The current political season was fair play for jokes, too. Gulley summed-up another bull: “He must be a politician. He’s got a right point and left point – and a lot of bull in between!”

Bolden started his rodeo company with his late brother, Knotty Bolden. Knotty Bolden was killed in 1984 at the age of 25 while riding a bull in the J Bar B Rodeo’s practice ring. Knotty was thrown from the bull, who stepped on his chest after he was on the ground. Knotty died later that evening at the hospital.

Continuing what they started together, Jerry Bolden hosts the Knotty Bolden Memorial Rodeo each July in memory of his brother.

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