Meet the Veterinarians!

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Article & photos by Nancy Brannon

Full Circle Equine Services of Olive Branch, Mississippi welcomed two new veterinarians to the practice in August. They are excited about their new post and the rest of the team is glad to have them on board. “I am so blessed, so fortunate!” said owner Kakki Wright, to have these two talented veterinarians in her practice.

Allison Forbes earned both her Master’s degree and DVM at Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation she interned for a year at Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center in Cove Creek, Arizona. So, how did a gal from the arid lands of the west decide to move to the hot, humid land of the mid-south? “Kakki posted an ad on the AAEP website,” Allison answered, “and Olive Branch, Mississippi sounded like a nice town to live in. So, I came here, met everyone, and my decision was made.” During her 1-month tenure at the clinic, she’s tended colics, two lacerations, done pre-purchase exams and wellness exams, and dealt with a respiratory problem. “I like the emergency/critical care aspects in veterinary care and internal medicine,” she said. “I love going to the barns, introducing myself, and meeting folks. I especially love foals, but we’re not to foaling season yet.”
Allison will probably be staying for a while. “She brought her boyfriend and he got his dream job,” Kakki interjected.

Hannah Weimer hails from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation, she completed a 1-year hospital internship at Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital in Ocala, Florida. Her first day at Full Circle was August 24th and already she states: “ I love the area and like  the clients, especially people who are willing to do whatever it takes for the health of their horse.” Hannah prefers the one-on-one relationship with clients and their horses she experiences at Full Circle. “In Ocala, the typical client was a trainer with 50 horses,” she said.

Hannah is a “Quarter Horse” gal who grew up training cutting horses. She loves Western sport horses.

Her veterinary interests are in lameness and all the new strategies coming available for rehabilitation. “My sister is a physical therapist (on humans) and I like to see what new therapies might be used for horses, too.” She has interests in regenerative therapies: IRAP (Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein) and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma); in reducing inflammation and combating arthritis. “Tendons and ligaments are long and hard to heal. I’m looking at therapies that can speed up healing. Laser, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic therapies can be useful in helping keep equine athletes performing longer.”

There’s also a new vet tech at Full Circle: Megan Dickens. She came to the practice from Florida and has worked here for about two months.

Speaking again of her good fortune in collecting such a competent, well-working team, Kakki said: “There’s some kind of genetic coupling that makes you want to work with horses. There’s just nothing else in the world we’d rather do.”

Then there’s always the clinic, reception room cat – who would rather sleep than do anything else. It’s a cushy life!
If you haven’t already met the “newbies,” you’ll have an opportunity soon when Full Circle Equine welcomes the community to their second annual Client Appreciation Party. It will be October 17, 2015, 6-9 p.m. at the clinic, 5875 Center Hill Road, Olive Branch, Mississippi. RSVP by October 1st to: (662) 895-7943. Find more information on their website: or on facebook, Full Circle Equine Services.

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