UT Launches Farming Fundamentals Program

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New Educational Program Targets New and Beginning Farmers

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — University of Tennessee Extension is launching a new educational program designed to help beginning farmers or individuals starting a new venture in agriculture. UT Farming Fundamentals provides participants with resources and information on the essential principles needed to build a successful operation.

Program topics include production basics, farm and financial management, marketing, taxes, business plan development, and other related topics.

Program Components
This program is broken into two parts: required and optional. Each participant will be required to complete the 5 required modules and 3 of the optional modules.

Required Modules

All 5 modules are required to complete the program.
  • Introduction
  • Financial Statements
  • Taxes
  • Farming Foundations
  • Business Actions
Optional Modules

Pick 3 modules from the following:
  • Livestock Basics
  • Specialty Crops
  • Value Added
  • Crops
Each module is 1.5 hours of content videos. After each video there will be a link to a quiz that must be completed. The 5 required and 3 selected modules totals 12 hours of programming. In order to receive certification, a participant must watch the videos and complete the quizzes (8 total modules).

“UT Farming Fundamentals is specifically set up for beginning farmers to start their business on a strong foundation and help avoid early missteps,” said program coordinator Charley Martinez, an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. “This program was developed by agents and specialists across the state of Tennessee.”

The program launches January 1, and online registration is open. Once registered, participants will receive a link that enables on-demand access to all of the program’s videos and resources. The cost of participating in the program is $100. Participants who fully complete the program will receive a certification and, if they signed up, they will qualify for the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP), which provides cost share dollars to agricultural producers.

For more information, visit farmingfundamentals.tennessee.edu. Contact Charley Martinez with questions about the program at cmart113@utk.edu or 865-974-7414.

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