Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Tainted Again

August 25-September 4, 2021, Shelbyville, Tennessee

Compiled by Nancy Brannon, Ph.D.

On Championship night, Saturday September 4, 2021, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and his wife Maria Lee welcomed folks to the 83rd annual Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration and received special honors from Jeffrey Howard, publisher of The Walking Horse Report. Lee said he was “honored to be in the Walking Horse Capital of the World to celebrate a proud Tennessee tradition. The Celebration in Shelbyville is something every Tennessean should experience at least once.” From the horse’s experience.

Gov. Lee presides over a state that just achieved the Number One ranking for the highest number of new COVID-19 cases by population of any state in the U.S., according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Tennessee outranked number two South Carolina, followed by Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia in the top five.   Tennessee also reported record-high hospitalizations for COVID on Thursday Sept. 2, along with a surge in pediatric cases. The governor’s recent executive order allowed parents to opt out their children from mask mandates in schools.  Children had returned to the classroom in August for the new school year and, by the end of the month, over 42,000 new cases of COVID were reported for school-age children (ages 5-18), nearly doubling the record of 24,626 cases in school-age children in December 2020. During a press conference on Thursday Sept. 2, 2021 Tennessee Dept. of Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey said nearly 40% of the COVID cases in the past week were among children (WKRN reported).

Another special person photographed in the Celebration crowd on Friday night Sept. 3 was Jackie McConnell, convicted felon of Tennessee Walking Horse abuse and Horse Protection Act (HPA) multiple violations, along with his wife Cyndi.  According to the USDA Consent Decision and Order, Jackie McConnell “is permanently disqualified” from “participating” in such shows. “For the purposes of this Order, ‘participating’ means engaging in any activity beyond that of a spectator…” In May 2012, the Celebration voted to suspend McConnell for life “from entering the TWHNC grounds for any and all events…” according to an article published on the TWHNC website. Jackie McConnell and family are co-sponsors with the Jimmy McConnell family of the Odell McConnell Memorial Challenge Trophy, presented to the winner of the Three-Year-Old Walking Horses, World Grand Championship. The 2020 winners were Mr. Magnifico (Judy Case), Justified Honors (Lisa Baum), and TUA MCF (Keith & Lorraine Rosbury).
Summary of HPA inspections and disqualifications at the 2021 Celebration:
Noncompliance with the Horse Protection Act continued to occur at this show. The majority of the classes (39/54) were for padded horses, with the majority of entries padded horses (559/685). Out of 582 horses inspected by DQPs, 53 were found HPA noncompliant (51 padded, 2 Park Performance). Out of 135 horses inspected by USDA VMOs, 39 were found HPA noncompliant (38 padded, 1 Park Performance). A total of 53 horses were disqualified by show management for HPA noncompliances (51 padded, 2 Park Performance). HPA noncompliances included bilateral sore, unilateral sore, scar rule, prohibited substance, and action devices violations. Nineteen horses were in HPA noncompliance post-show for inflammation (18 padded, 1 Park Performance).

See the full report at: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/hp/show_reports/2021/83rd-annual-twh-national-celebration.pdf
WGC Justified Honors
Saturday night the Celebration crowned its 83rd World Grand Champion: JUSTIFIED HONORS, ridden by John Allan Callaway for owner Lisa Baum of Shelbyville. Reserve World Grand Championship was Mach I with Jimmy McConnell aboard (brother of Jackie McConnell) for the Molly Walters family.

It was a repeat win for Callaway, who also rode the 82nd World Grand Champion (2020) MASTER’S RAZZLE AND JAZZ, a horse that was Reserve Grand Champion at the 2019 Celebration, ridden then by Herbert Derickson, who is currently serving a five-year disqualification stemming from 26 violations of the Horse Protection Act.

John Allan Callaway and his brother Bill Callaway began a suspension for multiple HPA Violations just two days after Bill won the 2017 WGC on GEN’S BLACK MAVERICK. John Allan Callaway was suspended for eight months from Sept. 4, 2017 to May 3, 2018 and fined a $1,100 civil penalty.
Saturday Night Champions
Several champions and horses that placed at this show were ridden by past HPA violators.

In Saturday’s (9/4/21) Open Specialty World Grand Championship, SAMSUNG and Bill Callaway were reserve, while Bill’s brother John Allan directed NINO’S CATEGORY FIVE to third place for Dr. Barbara Moersch.

In Saturday’s (9/4/21) Show Pleasure World Grand Championship, John Allan Callaway rode HE’S STARBUCKS to the win for Bud and Suzanne Moore of Lynnville, Tennessee.

In Saturday’s (9/4/21) Two-Year-Old World Grand Championship, BROADWAY HONORS and Tyler Baucom, of Baucom Stables, won the title for Keith and Lorraine Rosbury from Bell Buckle, Tennessee. BORN A MAVERICK and Bill Callaway won second place for Bob Adcock.

Tyler Baucom is the son of the late Chad Baucom (d. 2016), who had numerous HPA violations from 1998 to 2012 and whose wife Rhonda is currently serving a six-year suspension, from July 2016 to July 2022 for eight HPA violations on these horses: The Games We Play, I’m Wall Street, Fear or No Fear, Beretta Mama, Generator’s Santana Push, I’m Moonlighting, The Royal Titelist, and The Perfect Gen.

The Rosburys and John Allen Callaway were charged with HPA violations on 2017 World Grand Champion GEN’S BLACK MAVERICK. The USDA record states: “On August 27, 2016, Mr. John Allen Callaway entered Gen’s Black Maverick while the horse was sore, for showing in class 84A in a horse show in Shelbyville, Tennessee, in violation of the Act.” [HPA Docket Nos. 17-0167, -0168, - 0169, -0170, -0171, -0172, -0173, -0174, -0175] Further, “on September 26, 2017, the two Owners of Gen’s Black Maverick, Mr. Keith Rosbury and Ms. Lorraine Rosbury, had each agreed to a USDA Office of Administrative Law Judge Consent Decision Orders, each dated September 26, 2017, for each person to serve USDA Federal Suspensions for alleged Horse Protection Act violations, and to each pay fines related to the alleged soring of Gen’s Black Maverick…” The inspection report, listing trainer Bill Callaway and owners Keith and Lorraine Rosbury and Maple Crest Farm, showed that Gen’s Black Maverick was inspected 8/27/16 and found to be “bilateral sore and [in violation of the] scar rule.”

In Saturday’s (9/4/21) Park Performance World Grand Championship, Michael Wright rode I’M A PROUD AMERICAN to the win for owner Bill Williams of Ripley, Tenn. A review of the last HPA Violation Citation records publicly available showed numerous HPA violations by Michael (4) and his brother Casey Wright (6). On 8/27/2013, I’m A Proud American, Michael Wright exhibiting, was deemed sore by the USDA inspection. Since the Trump administration, HPA Violation Citation records are no longer available for public view.

Casey Wright rode JOSE REVIVAL to third in Saturday’s (9/4/21) World Grand Championship class for Bill and Debbie Woods.

Fourth in Saturday’s (9/4/21) World Grand Championship class, and winner of Saturday night’s (8/29/21) Stallion class 87A, was REALLY COACH, ridden by Rodney Dick. In Sept. 2019, we reported on Rodney Dick’s 18-month suspension and disqualification for HPA violations. That suspension ended March 31, 2021. Dick won the 2019 World Grand Championship with I’M MAYHEM just one month before his suspension began on October 1, 2019.

In 2012, Dick was quoted by The Tennessean: “I don't think it’s [soring] very common at all because we don’t do that anymore,” said Rodney Dick, the 2001 Trainer of the Year, who also has past violations. “Now in the past, I can’t say that. But I know, as of now, we don’t do that anymore.”

The Tennessean article wrote of Jeff Green: “Jeff Green, of Shelbyville, the 2008 Trainer of the Year, denied soring horses. According to the records, he has had six suspensions since 1998, including two for one-foot soring.” Green showed HES UNLEASHED in the Saturday night (8/29/21) Stallions class 87B. He showed DORAL in the Wednesday evening (9/1/21) Experienced Trainers 36 & Over class. He showed BROTHERS VENGEANCE in Tuesday evening’s (8/31/21) Show Pleasure Stallions. He showed JOSE RITZY HAWK in Monday evening’s (8/30/21) Mares class - all for Bedford Walking Horse Farm LLC.

The Tennessean article also cited Link Webb: “Link Webb, the 2005 winner, has had six suspensions since 2002, including three for one-foot soring. The separate USDA database lists nine violations for Webb since 2010, including three for one-foot soring and two for two-foot soring. Webb said he had sored horses in the past but does not currently do so.”

Webb won Friday night’s (9/3/21) Four-Year-Old World Grand Championship class on MR. MAGNIFICO, with Tyler Baucom in reserve on TUA MCF for Keith/Lorraine Rosbury. He also rode MR. MAGNIFICO to reserve in Sunday evening’s (8/29/21) Four-Year-Old Stallions class. Webb rode DIXIE ROAD in Wednesday evening’s (9/1/21) Stallions class 148. He rode A STORMY NIGHT IN DIXIE for Joe Barnes in Monday evening’s (8/30/21) Two-Year-Old Stallions class 119B.

These are some of the trainers and riders with a history of HPA violations who placed at this year’s Celebration. Find all the Celebration results at: https://twhnc.com/. Find a compilation of Saturday’s TWHNC winners at The Walking Horse Report: https://www.walkinghorsereport.com/news/the-verdict-is-in-for-celebration-2021
Animal Welfare Advocacy Groups Protest
The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration (TWHNC) was, once again, condemned by animal welfare advocacy groups protesting the soring of Tennessee Walking Horses and violations of the HPA.

Emily Ehrhorn with The Humane Society wrote on September 1, 2021: “The Humane Society Legislative Fund and the Humane Society of the United States wrote to the United States Department of Agriculture about flagrant violations and flouting of the Horse Protection Act at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration.

“This year, a horse named Joe Pa, a top contender for the title of World Grand Champion, and other horses are being trained and shown by the stable owned by an individual currently serving a five-year federal disqualification for no less than 27 alleged violations of the Horse Protection Act. During that disqualification period, Herbert Derickson is not supposed to be involved in any way in the showing of horses, directly or indirectly.

“Horses advertised as being trained by Derickson’s stable are being ridden and/or exhibited at the Celebration by a different person, Winky Groover, who previously served his own federal disqualification stemming from alleged Horse Protection Act violations.

“The Humane Society Legislative Fund and Humane Society of the United States issued a letter asking the USDA for a determination of whether the arrangement involving Derickson and Groover is a violation of Derickson’s disqualification and if so, urges that Joe Pa and any other horses trained by 4 The Glory Farm be prohibited from showing at the Celebration and any other shows during his disqualification. The letter demands further that Derickson be cited and prosecuted for the violation.”

Checking The Humane Society Allegations
It was difficult to find connections between Herbert Derickson and/or 4 The Glory Farm as trainer for TWH Joe Pa. However, on Jill Brundige Derickson’s facebook page, there are numerous references to Joe Pa, #teamjoepa, and particularly a photo of him with their sights “on the title of World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse.” They even have Joe Pa swag. In the August 28 post, there is an ad for Joe Pa which states at the bottom: “Trained by 4The Glory Farm, shod by Danny Burks.” An August 1 post states: “4 the Glory Farm is excited to welcome the Shane Porterfield family to the JOE PA team!” There are several photos of Winky Groover with the horse.  In a July 23 video post, Winky Groover is shown in a “Friday morning workout” with Joe Pa in what appears to be Herbert Derickson’s stable at 4 The Glory Farm. There are also photos of Mr. Magnifico trained and shown by Herbert Derickson, 4 The Glory Farm, posted 9/17/2020 on the Walking Horse Report facebook. Derickson’ disqualification began December 2020, so Mr. Magnifico was shown at the 2021 Celebration by Link Webb.

Winky Groover
Results posted on the 2021 TWHNC website https://twhnc.com/2021-celebration-results/ show Winky Groover exhibited JOE PA on Saturday evening (8/28/21) in Stallions (canter)/WHTA Riders Cup and placed second. He rode several other horses at the show, including JOSE AZUL on Friday evening (8/27/21) in Three-Year-Old Stallions; TIJUANA GIN on Tuesday evening (8/31/21) in Two-Year-Old Mares; I REMEMBER WHEN on Wednesday evening (9/1/21) in Two-Year-Old Geldings and DE LA VEGA in Saturday night’s Open Specialty World Grand Championship.

The Mid-South Horse Review has received reports from persons at the Celebration that JOE PA, who was ridden by Winky Groover and placed second in the preliminary aged stallion class, was turned down post show by the USDA coming out of the ring. We have not been told definitively what the violation was.

There are USDA Decision and Orders against Winston T. Groover, Jr., aka Winky Groover, dating back to 2000 for violations of the HPA, e.g., on a horse named “Stocks Clutch FCR,” who was sore. In the opinion of two veterinarians who examined STOCKS CLUTCH FCR, who had placed second in the class, the horse was unilaterally sore and in violation of the scar rule. Groover was assessed a civil penalty of $2,200 and subject to a 1-year disqualification from horse industry activities, as provided in HPA.

Groover was quoted in the 2012 The Tennessean article: “Just because somebody has a record doesn't mean they aren’t doing things correctly now, Groover said. “I personally have a past record, and I am not proud of it,” he said.

According to the Friends of Sound Horses’ database, he has had 15 violations since 2001. The most recent HPA violation record available was in 2009, although he was cited for a scar rule violation in 2011.

“I have made steps to change my training techniques,” Groover said. “I feel like I train horses totally humane and totally compliant. We do, like everybody, have a past. All we can do is ask forgiveness and move on.”

Herbert Derickson, et al.
The history of Herbert Derickson with the USDA for alleged violations of the Horse Protection Act (HPA) shows at least two Administrative Law Judge Consent Decisions and Orders.

The first USDA Consent Decision and Order (August 2004) found that “Herbert Derickson, Jill Derickson, and Robert Raymond Black II violated section 5(1) of the Horse Protection Act (15 U.S.C. § 1824(1))” by transporting the 7-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse “Just American Magic” to and showing in the 34th Annual National Walking Horse Trainers Show in Shelbyville, TN in March 2002 “while the horse was sore.”

The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Peter M. Davenport conducted an oral hearing on June 26-27, 2006 with eleven witnesses testifying, including both veterinary medical officers who had examined Just American Magic at the show. The ALJ found that Herbert Derickson had violated the HPA by transporting the sore horse and entering the sore horse in the show. In addition, the ALJ found that Black Gold Farm, Inc., and Robbie J. Warley had violated the HPA by allowing the entry of the sore horse in the show. Derickson was assessed a $2,200 civil penalty and was disqualified for two years …”

The Dericksons’ filed a petition for review, but an order decided on November 10, 2008 denied the Dericksons’ petition for review. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-6th-circuit/1035188.html

The second USDA Consent Decision and Order (July 2020) found that Herbert Derickson had violated the HPA on 27 separate occasions and with at least 22 different horses (see list below in Addenda).

This USDA Consent Decision and Order disqualified Derickson for five years beginning December 1, 2020 and ending November 30, 2025 “from showing, exhibiting, or entering any horse, directly or indirectly through any agent, employee or other device, and from judging, managing or otherwise participating in any horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auction, directly or indirectly, through any agent, employee, or other device.

“ ‘Participating’ means engaging in any activity beyond that of a spectator in connection with a horse show, horse exhibition, or horse sale or auction, and includes, without limitation, transporting or arranging for the transportation of horses to or from equine events, personally giving instructions to exhibitors, being present in the warm-up or inspection areas, or in any area where spectators are not allowed, and financing the participation of others in equine events.”

TWHNC Horse show results show that Herbert Derickson’s son Thomas Derickson, Assistant Horse Trainer at Herbert Derickson’s (wife Jill) 4 The Glory Farm, was showing several horses at the 2021Celebration.

Results from Wednesday (9/1/21) show Thomas Derickson showing MY GINERATION 4G in Two-Year-Old Geldings/WHTA Riders Cup; showing SPEECHLESS THF in Tuesday evening’s (8/31/21) Two-Year-Old Mares/ WHTA Riders Cup and DE LA VEGA in the Young Trainers 35 & Under Stallions/ WHTA Riders Cup. On Monday evening (8/30/21), Thomas Derickson showed BRET MAVERICK 4G in Two-Year-Old Stallions/WHTA Riders Cup. On Saturday evening (8/28/21) Herbert’s other son Will Derickson showed HONORS REBEL in the Owner Amateur Novice Youth 12-17 Mares/Geldings and Thomas Derickson showed DE LA VEGA in Owner Amateur Novice Gentlemen Stallions.

Derickson’s sons showing horses at the Celebration would appear to violate his disqualification “from showing, exhibiting, or entering any horse, directly or indirectly through any agent, employee or other device…” But that determination will be made by USDA/APHIS.
CCABLAC Protests
Members of the Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty (CCABLAC) were also in Shelbyville, Tennessee, beginning on Thursday, August 26, 2021, to protest the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. While in Shelbyville, they visited the Shelbyville Times-Gazette and spoke with owner/publisher Adam Johnson, asking him to “cover both sides of the Big Lick animal cruelty story.” According to CCABLAC, Johnson told the protestors: “I know you are here about the horses being abused and I don’t care about that. I don’t own a horse. I have never had a horse and I don’t know anything about this stuff and I don’t care.  I am not going to put the financial status of the newspaper at risk (by covering both sides). I am not going to tell my editors what to write. The show provides a lot for the community.” 

On the paper’s facebook page, they posted a photo of the CCABLAC protestors, stating: “Our publisher rejected them from the property and they will not be allowed to return.”

The paper generally publishes articles that are favorable and not critical of the Celebration, and they have a TWHNC souvenir section in their publication. “Lots of good stories from traditions to youth. The tradition continues,” the promo states. The Times-Gazette published a feature article on Warren Wells, the new TWHNC Chief Executive Officer, on August 28, 2021. They also post video footage of the show on their facebook page. Their Friday Sept. 3, 2021 article states the Shelbyville Times-Gazette is a “Proud Supporter of the TWHNC.” https://www.t-g.com/stories/times-gazette-proud-supporter-of-the-twhnc,61757

CCABLAC posted September 5, 2021 on their website, BillyGoBoy.com, a photo of Jackie McConnell in the stands at Friday night’s Celebration, along with videos of their protests at the Celebration and videos of one of the classes at the Celebration: Running Walk and Canter gaits in the Four-Year-Old Mares class on August 27, with part of the videos showing slow motion details of the movements. CCABLAC also posted attendance numbers for Sept. 3 and 4, 2021.
U.S.C. Definition of Sore
Title 15 U.S.C. Chapter 44 – Protection of Horses § 1821 defines “sore” when used to describe a horse means that:
“(A) an irritating or blistering agent has been applied, internally or externally, by a person to any limb of a horse,
“(B) any burn, cut, or laceration has been inflicted by a person on any limb of a horse, “(C) any tack, nail, screw, or chemical agent has been injected by a person into or used by a person on any limb of a horse, or “(D) any other substance or device has been used by a person on any limb of a horse or a person has engaged in a practice involving a horse, and, as a result of such application, infliction, injection, use, or practice, such horse suffers, or can reasonably be expected to suffer, physical pain or distress, inflammation, or lameness when walking, trotting, or otherwise moving, except that such term does not include such an application, infliction, injection, use, or practice in connection with the therapeutic treatment of a horse by or under the supervision of a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the State in which such treatment was given.”
§ 1822 Congressional statement of findings declares that:
(1) the soring of horses is cruel and inhumane;
(2) horses shown or exhibited which are sore, where such soreness improves the performance of such horse, compete unfairly with horses which are not sore;” in addition to three other findings.

Note: “Soring” is also known as “fixing” in commonly used jargon.
Jackie McConnell Consent Decision and Order: https://oalj.oha.usda.gov/sites/default/files/120823_12-0466_CD_HPA_Jackie%20McConnell_Redacted.pdf
Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration Sanctions McConnell: https://equimed.com/news/general/tennessee-walking-horse-celebration-sanctions-mcconnell
Rhonda Baucom Consent Decision and Order: https://nationalaglawcenter.org/wp-content/uploads//assets/OALJdecisions/consent/07062016_HPA_Dockets-14-0088-16-0106_Rhonda-Baucom.pdf
Winky Groover Decision and Order: https://28xeuf2otxva18q7lx1uemec-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/decisions/burgess.pdf
Winky Groover Decision and Order: https://oalj.oha.usda.gov/sites/default/files/hpa010008beverlyburgess.pdf
Herbert Derickson, et al. Decision and Order: https://28xeuf2otxva18q7lx1uemec-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/decisions/black2.pdf
Herbert Derickson Amended Consent Decision and Order: https://oalj.oha.usda.gov/sites/default/files/14-0199%20-17-0163_Redacted.pdf
The Tennessean. 2012.“Many top walking horse trainers have been cited for soring.”May 31.  https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/news/story/2012/may/31/0531-b1-many-top-walking-horse-trainers-have-been/79229/ Copyright © 2021
AVMA. May 2015. Horse Soring. https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/Soring-Bookiet-March-2014.pdf
Jill Brundige Derickson facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jill.derickson
Information from Midland Heights Baptist Church about Music Minister Herbert Derickson and family: https://www.midlandheightsbc.org/staff
TWHNC Results: https://twhnc.com/2021-celebration-results/
USDA/APHIS Show Activity Reports: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalwelfare/hpa/2021-show-activity-reports

HPA inspections and disqualifications at the 2021 Celebration:
Classes Scheduled: 54 – 39 padded, 13 flat, 2 Park Performance
Classes Cancelled: 0
Number of Entries: 685 – 559 padded, 107 flat, 19 Park Performance
Number of Entries Scratched Prior to Inspection: 157 – 122 padded, 35 flat
Number of Entries Inspected by DQPs: 582 – 476 padded, 85 flat, 21 Park Performance
Number of HPA noncompliances DQPs detected during primary inspection: 20 – 19 padded, 1 Park Performance
Number of HPA noncompliances DQPs detected during returned inspection: 8 padded
Number of HPA noncompliances DQPs detected during referral inspection: 25 – 24 padded, 1 Park Performance
Total number of HPA noncompliances detected by DQPs: 53 – 51 padded, 2 Park Performance
Number of horses disqualified after receiving DQPs inspection results for HPA noncompliances: 50 – 48 padded, 2 Park Performance
Total number of Entries VMOs inspected (both pre and post show) 135 – 118 padded, 14 flat, 3 Park Performance
Total number of HPA noncompliances detected by USDA VMOs: 39 – 38 padded, 1 Park PerformanceNumber of HPA noncompliances referred by USDA VMOs to Show Management for disqualification: 3 padded
Total number of Horses Disqualified by Show Management for HPA noncompliances: 53 – 51 padded, 2 Park Performance
Bilateral (sore): 1 padded
Unilateral (sore): 12 – 11 padded, 1 Park Performance
Scar Rule: 5 padded
Prohibited Substance: 3 padded
Other HPA Noncompliance (inflammation): 2 padded
Bilateral (sore): 1 padded
Unilateral (sore): 2 padded
Scar Rule: 2 padded
Action Devices: 4 padded
Other HPA Noncompliance (inflammation): 20 – 20 padded, 1 Park Performance
Bilateral (sore): 2 padded
Unilateral (sore): 2 padded
Scar Rule: 2 padded
Prohibited Substance: 2 padded
Other HPA Noncompliance (inflammation): 1 padded
Bilateral (sore): 2 padded
Unilateral (sore): 4 padded
Scar Rule: 2 padded
Action Devices: 3 padded
Other HPA Noncompliance (inflammation): 19 – 18 padded, 1 Park Performance
57 horses had DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY: 46 padded, 9 flat, 2 Park Performance
81 horses were swabbed for PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES: 69 padded, 10 flat, 2 Park Performance
See the full report at: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/hp/show_reports/2021/83rd-annual-twh-national-celebration.pdf
Herbert Derickson HPA violations cited in Amended Consent Decision and Order:
May 18, 2012: horse, Le Patron, sore, at a horse show in Petersburg, TN
May 25, 2013: horse, The Doc’s On Call, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
March 27, 2014: horse, Jose’s Cartel, sore, at a horse show in Jackson, MS
July 3, 2014: horse, Keep Your Cash, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
July 3, 2014: horse, Gin Fusion, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
July 26, 2014: horse, Pushin’ the Cash, sore, at a horse show in Pulaski, TN
August 23, 2014: horse, The Iron Door, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
August 23, 2013: horse, Jose’s Cartel, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
August 24, 2014: horse, Hot Texas Salsa, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
September 3, 2015: horse, I’m Vin Diesel, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
August 31, 2015: horse, Jose’s High Score, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
November 14, 2015: horse, Keep Your Cash, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
April 21, 2016: horse, She Loves Poser, sore at a horse show in Panama City Beach, FL
May 7, 2016: horse, Bar Gin, sore at a horse show in Manchester, TN
June 17, 2016: horse, Southern Elegance, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
July 1, 2016: horse, She’s In Strong Demand, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
July 1, 2016: horse, Broadway Jazzman, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
July 2, 2016: horse, Carolina Con, sore, at a horse show in Woodbury, TN
July 22, 2016: horse, Jose Bueno, sore, at a horse show in Cornersville, TN
July 22, 2016: horse, Southern Elegance, sore, at a horse show in Lewisburg, TN
July 22, 2016: horse, Jose the Champ, sore, at a horse show in Lewisburg, TN
August 27, 2016: horse, Gin Toddy, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
August 27, 2016: horse, Chips N Salsa, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
August 31, 2016: horse, The Crimson Sky, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
March 27, 2017: horse, I’m Just Kidding, sore, at a horse show in Shelbyville, TN
Additional sources:
Meszoly, Joanne. 2020 Update. “Equus Special Report: Why Soring Persists.” Equus magazine. Nov. 2. https://equusmagazine.com/horse-world/soring_030706-8192

Kaczynski, Emily. 2013. “Criminal Intent: Sore Winners.” http://www.stopsoring.com/docs/Kacz-CriminalIntent6-18-13.pdf

Padding and the Effect on Walking Horses. https://forthetnwalkinghorse.blogspot.com/2009/09/research-padding-and-effect-on-walking.html

Shane Shiflet photography: https://www.shaneshiflet.com/horse-show-proofs/2021-proofs/2021-twh-celebration/

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