MDA Summer Solstice Show

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After two spring show cancellations, Mid-South Dressage Academy (MDA) was finally able to host a USDF dressage show, June 20-21, 2020. The Summer Solstice show offered USDF Intro through FEI Grand Prix levels, judged by Tami Batts of North Carolina.

While USEF allowed competitions to re-start on June 1, there were strict requirements to try to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at competitions. Due to the USEF rules, no spectators were allowed, competitors were not allowed in the main barn area, and only one trainer/support person per competitor was allowed in the warm up area. Masks were mandatory at all times and participants were required to self-monitor their temperature once daily prior to entering the competition grounds. And if anyone is running a fever and/or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, they must stay away. All participants were required to complete and sign the USEF waiver.

Read the USEF Requirements and Recommendations for Operating USEF-Licensed Competitions in the COVID-19 Environment here:

This was a tough row to hoe for Show Manager Elizabeth Clifton, but she was willing to give it a try. “It was a small show,” said Elizabeth, with only 20 riders with 24 horses to show. Rides were scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 1:35 p.m. on Saturday and from 8:00 a.m. to 1:16 p.m. on Sunday.

Elizabeth said, “The show went well.  Social distancing was a bit of a challenge; but, we got through it.  Most difficult part, aside from all of the additional new paperwork, was the no spectator rules.  We are accustomed to being able to watch our friends ride, and not being able to do so was hard to adjust to.  By the end I think we all found our rhythm, so the July show should be even smoother.” Elizabeth has another show scheduled for July 18-19, 2020.

Jamie Lawrence, MDA trainer, commented on the “awesome weekend” at the show. “Team MDA brought their A Game… so much helping and positivity.” Jamie and “the amazing Ubi” (Ubachon) achieved her first score towards her Gold Medal in FEI Intermediaire II, 64.853%. “Ubi is the real deal. What a horse!” she praised.

Marikay Asberry scored some very high marks with her horse Facetime: 77.100 in Adult Amateur 2019 USDF Materiale and 71.897 in Training Level.

Virginia Moon scored 60.543 with Plato Carlos in AA FEI Grand Prix 2018.

Karen Wesley scored 62.941 with Destria Hvh in AA FEI Prix St. Georges 2018.

Jennifer Van de Loo rode Notre Dame in AA Training Level, scoring 78.276 and in AA First Level, scoring 73.448. She rode Duke Of The Dawn in AA Fourth Level, scoring a high of 70.256. Jenny was excited about the show: “My highest scores ever! It was Notre Dame’s first show in US after I purchased her from Germany this past July. She is 7 years old and a little German Riding Pony. Duke killed it in his Fourth Level debut!”

Jayne Ryan also scored in the 70s with Shalvadore Dali in Open Training Level, 70.690.

Gabrielle Callahan rode Dan Dao De Lys in the Open 2019 USDF Materials Class, earning 74.200.

This was Katie Haynes’ first time riding Second Level 3 the Andalusian/Arab El Samson Ga. She earned the Junior/Young Rider High Point Ribbon with scores of 66.667 and 65.238.

Full results of the show are posted at

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