Photos by Allison Brannon Lail
For most students, school closures brought on by the COVIS-19 epidemic meant studying at home and trying to keep up with lessons. But for students who live on a farm, “home schooling” takes on a whole new dimension. Ethan Lail (10) is involved in the 4-H Chick Chain project, as well as helping with the home garden. He tries to work his lessons on his Chromebook, but it is distracting to have a chicken looking over your shoulder!
Having more time at home on the farm has given him the opportunity to help out more with the farm chores, especially cleaning the chicken coop. He has learned to drive this lawnmower/tractor to haul the chicken manure to the compost pile, as well as to pull his brother around in the train car.
For most students, school closures brought on by the COVIS-19 epidemic meant studying at home and trying to keep up with lessons. But for students who live on a farm, “home schooling” takes on a whole new dimension. Ethan Lail (10) is involved in the 4-H Chick Chain project, as well as helping with the home garden. He tries to work his lessons on his Chromebook, but it is distracting to have a chicken looking over your shoulder!
Having more time at home on the farm has given him the opportunity to help out more with the farm chores, especially cleaning the chicken coop. He has learned to drive this lawnmower/tractor to haul the chicken manure to the compost pile, as well as to pull his brother around in the train car.