Carolina Driving Trials

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By Rachel Niceley

The Carolina Carriage Club hosted a Horse Driving Trials (HDT) at Windridge Farm in Mooresboro, North Carolina, May 19-21, 2017. This show offered a “drive a test” on Friday to competitors who wanted to drive their dressage test in front of a judge before actually driving their test on Saturday for the competition. Saturday competitors drove their dressage tests and cones, and Sunday was the marathon.

There was a full spectrum of participants: Jose Hernandez drove a four in hand of horses (owned by Rachel Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN) at the Advanced level for a Combined Test (no marathon). Wiebe Dragstra (Southern Pines, NC) drove a pair of turbo Friesians at Intermediate level. There were single and pair ponies, a strong contention of VSEs (Very Small Equines), and one miniature donkey.

The members of the Carolina Carriage Club who host this show always make people and horses feel welcome. They are friendly to everyone and are willing to help out first-time drivers with shortened courses, drivers with minis or VSE's who still wish to participate in the marathon, as well as small ponies who have different time frames.

Judge was Shelly Temple. The largest class was Preliminary Single Pony. First place overall was Laurel Pyatt, and Marianna Crammer was first in Marathon.

Find more information about the Carolina Carriage Club at:

CT-Advanced Horse Fours- 1st Jose Hernandez
Intermediate Horse Pairs- 1st Wiebe Dragstra
Intermediate Small Single Pony- Price Story
Intermediate Single Pony- Jennifer Keeler
Intermediate Single VSE- Peggy Keeler
Prelim Single Horse- Susan Burrows
Prelim Single Pony- Laurel Pyatt
Prelim Single Small Pony- Jane Hoffstender
Prelim Single VSE- Morgan Pevonka
Training Single Pony- Bonny Fahrner
Training Small Single Pony- Pam Hudson
Training Single Pony- Janelle Marshall
Training Single Small Pony- Cynthia Holbrook
Training Single VSE- Hope Lucas
Pre-CT Single Pony- MaryAnne Boyden
CT Training Single Horse- Breanna Sheahan
CT Training Single VSE- Beth Knox
CT Limit Training Single VSE- Jayne Arrowood

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