Paso Finos at the GCHS

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Wednesday night’s Paso Fino classes at the Germantown Charity Horse Show, June 8, 2016, saw a father-son team take first and second places in several classes. In Paso Fino Open Pleasure, Jaime Gascon was first with Substituto de Unite, and Michael Gascon was second on Baba Lu. Then Michael came back on the Open Paso Fino Pleasure Schooling to win on Bongo de Torres. Diane Jones was second with Tequila de Dona Lola. In the Open Paso Fino Classic Fino, it was, again, Jaime Gascon in first on Sockabo de Torres and Michael Gascon second with Halago de San Isidro.

Later in the evening, others had a chance at top honors. In Open Paso Fino Classic Fino Schooling, Manny Londono was first with Infinito de Dona Lola and Sharon Londono was second with Galaxia de Dona Lola. In Open Paso Fino Performance Schooling, Sharon Londono was, again, first – this time with Besame de Dona Lola. Tim Martin was second with Directa BF.

Back again in Wednesday’s Open Paso Fino Performance, it was Jaime Gascon winning with Sueno Divino. Norman Timbs was reserve with El Valeroso de LM.

In Thursday’s Amateur Paso Fino Pleasure, Roberta Burns rode Cindi Gasson’s Baba Lu for the win, with Tim Martin and Directa BF placing second. Norman Timbs was third with Antigona de San Fernando.

In Thursday’s Amateur Paso Fino Performance, Norman Timbs won the class on El Valeroso de LM. Tim Martin was second with Directa BF.

In Friday’s Amateur Paso Fino Performance Championship, Tim Martin was champion on the Branstetter’s Directa BF, with Norman Timbs reserve on El Valeroso de LM.

In Friday’s Amateur Paso Fino Pleasure Championship, Tim Martin was champion on Directa BF. Roberta Burns rode the Gascon’s Baba Lu to reserve. Norman Timbs was third on Antigona de San Fernando.

In Saturday’s Paso Fino Performance Championship, Tim Martin with Directa BF was champion. Norman Timbs with El Valeroso de LM was reserve.

In Saturday night’s Classic Fino Championship, Manny Londono was champion with Infinito de Dona Lola. Michael Gascon was reserve with Halago de San Isidro, and Jaime Gascon was third with Sockabo de Torres.

In Saturday night’s Paso Fino Pleasure Championship, it was Michael Gascon riding Baba Lu the winner. Norman Timbs was reserve with Antigona de San Fernando. Jaime Gascon was third with Substituto de Unite.

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