Memphis in Springtime

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Mid-South Dressage Academy presented its second of spring USEF/USDF Recognized
Dressage shows, Memphis in Springtime, May 14-15, 2016 in Hernando, MS. The Judge was Tom Poulin, “S” from Illinois.

Elizabeth Clifton, owner of Mid-South Dressage Academy, was extremely pleased with the show and the turnout. The weather was a perfect spring day, as if it had been special ordered. The show was full. “Sadly, we had to turn away over 12 riders because we were full. We had about 43 entries,” Elizabeth said.

“People came from Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi,” Elizabeth continued. “We had a lot of FEI rides, and entries at every level from Intro to Grand Prix. We had one freestyle ride. We had 4 to 5 rides in Prix St. Georges and three in Intermediate I. We had a very nice group of newer people and horses coming along, so the ‘mid-range’ of levels is filling in. The show also attracted a younger group of riders. And Caitlyn Massey is one to watch!”
Trainer Jamie Lawrence added, “It’s wonderful that the sport is catching on. We had a lot of first time riders come to MDA. One came all the way from Chattanooga.”

Karen Raber and Debbie Hill were the top performers in Grand Prix. Natasja Massey and Windsor were winners in the Prix St. Georges tests. Elizabeth Clifton got a first in the Intermediate I class on her El Samson Ga, while Nelson Long and Be Cool Metall were first in the other Intermediate I class.

Judy Fendley was excited about her rides, having received a blue ribbon against some tough competition. “It’s been a good show. The weather was beautiful,” she said. Judy did well with Rollingwoods Easy Choice with two firsts at First Level and a first and second at Second Level.

High point awards went to: JR/YR - Daniel Patterson 71.818% Training 3; Adult Amateur - Bethany Gallager 71.316% Training 3; Open Katy Stoy 78.043% Training 1.

Full results of the show are posted at:
Photo cutlines:
DSC_0542: Elizabeth Clifton shows her precision driving in Tractor Dressage Third Level.

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