Kudzu Klassic Experience

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By Sarabeth Thompson

Beau McCoy, the NBHA MS District 01 Director said, “On Saturday November 28, 2015, at the Marshall County Fairgrounds in Holly Springs, MS, Coldwater Cross put on its third show in the Kudzu Klassic Barrel Race Series, drawing over 200 entries. Some of the top times were:  Mollie Carter on Shiner, who ran the fastest time of 13.957, and her second run in 14.192 seconds. Heather O'Brien, on Falco, ran the second fastest time of 14.150. Katie Hancock on Dude clocked 14.228 seconds, and Janice Hayes on HH Roll the Dice squeezed in the last of the First Division with a quick 14.322 seconds.”

Fallon Fogerty loaded the trailer and headed down to the Kudzu Classic Barrel Race in Holly Springs, Ms. Fallon and her three horses Saints French Twist (Belle), Shine and Sake (Shine), and KVS Tiny Bit Insane (Kip), made runs in both the Open Division as well as the Youth Division.

Fallon says, “We’ve owned Shine and Sake (Shine) for three years. I put all the work in her. She has been a challenge since day one, but I have not given up on her and know she has more untapped potential.” Shine made runs in both the Open and Youth Divisions, clocking 14.883 seconds on her first run, but knocking a barrel put her out the money and points. Shine came back for her second run with a clean 14.956 in the Open Division, placing her in the 2D.

“Saints French Twist (Belle) is a mare I've been running about two months, that is a super fun and an easy ride; she always wins money. She’s such a joy to ride and be around!” Fallon and Belle placed on Saturday with their Youth run clocking 14.998 seconds.

“KVS Tiny Bit Insane (Kip) was offered for me to run by my trainer, Amanda Capps of A and D Performance Horses. Kip was brought into the barn the day before the barrel race, and getting to run him was great. With some additional work, I know he and I will make a great team by the time the Liberty Bowl rolls around.” Fallon and Kip had tough luck this weekend at the Classic, knocking barrels in both runs, but seem excited about working together in the future.

Fallon says, “I have been riding since I was 7 years old. Even though I am blind in my right eye from a horse related accident, keeping me from seeing my barrels most of the time, I've learned how to time myself. I’ve been running barrels for 6 years now. I love the adrenaline rush and the art of barrel racing!”

“I currently have four horses that I regularly run, and one in training. Tivios Peppy Lena (Lena) is the main mare I run, and she has taught me a lot. She is my 1D wonder! I've done everything on her and am into my 11th year with her. We’ve owned her since she was three days old. This past weekend, although I didn't run my best horses, I tried my best on horses I barely know.”

Fallon tells us about her future plans: “I have been accepted to the University of Tennessee at Martin and plan to Major in Agricultural Science and Minor in Business. I hope to get a spot on the rodeo team and compete in barrels and goat tying. I’d like to give a special thanks to Landers Dodge, Nissan, and Jeep of Southaven, Mississippi, as well as Coldwater Cross, for their special offer of sponsorship. It’s truly humbling to be considered for such an opportunity!  

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