Tennessee Valley Hunt Opening Meet

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Tennessee Valley Hunt held its 27th Opening Meet and Blessing of the Hounds at their Big Valley Meet fixture in Greenville, Tennessee on Saturday October 17, 2015. After the Penn-MeryDel hounds were blessed, Huntsman Ryan Johnsey showed riders and spectators a great day of sport, along with all of the pomp that goes with Opening Meet. Every horse was groomed to a “spit shine” and braided, with the riders dressed in their best formal livery. There were Tally Ho wagons available where the spectators could ride to observe the action. 

The Hunt Breakfast was served in Blackberry Ridge Farm’s Stud Barn, owned by hunt patrons Dr. Tracy Dobbs and his wife Debbie.  The elegant spread seated some 100 people at the long table down the aisle way. 
(Photos by Gretchen Pelham, MFH, Tennessee Valley Hunt)

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