David Wentz: About Lim Couch

Farrier David Wentz explained the brotherhood of respect in the “farrier community” for Lim Couch: “I learned so much from Lim Couch. He is the reason why so many horses in the tri-state area have good hooves - because he taught so many of the area farriers. The living I make from shoeing, it’s all because of what came from Lim Couch.

“I was a pallbearer at his funeral. There were eight of us farriers from the Memphis area as pallbearers, and the place [funeral home] was full of farriers. We usually compete all the time; we try to do a better job than the other guy, have a better reputation than the next guy. We never see each other, really, because if one farrier is at a barn, another one isn’t, you know?

“But we all came together in respect for Lim. We were all there as his friends and former students. No one was competing at all; we were just there for Lim. It really spoke a lot for Lim: how many of us he had influenced and how we were all there as a group to pay our respects to him.”

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