The UlTimate Equine Hospital

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By Nancy Brannon, Ph.D.

The University of Tennessee Veterinary Medical Center’s new premier Equine Hospital was showcased at an Open House January 12, 2013 in Knoxville, TN. The 85,000 square foot expansion of the existing hospital features state-of-the art construction with an intensive care section, an isolation section for communicable diseases, a diagnostic imaging center, an equine performance and rehabilitation center, ambulatory/field services, and more.

There were plenty of UT College of Veterinary Medicine (UTCVM) dignitaries at the event, including Associate Dean Dr. Robert DeNovo Jr. who gave the welcoming remarks and was “host” for the day; Associate Dean Dr. Dennis R. Geiser; Dr. Jim Thompson, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Dr. David Anderson, Department Head of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. There were numerous contributors and supporters of the UTCVM, local veterinarians, alumni, and local guests. Even Amigo’s owner Gary Sanderson was on hand to view the new hospital. “Now the facility has reached the high quality standards of the veterinarians who serve here,” he commented. Amigo is the horse who was impaled with a tree limb and was treated for the devastating injury at UTCVM. Read more of Amigo’s case at
“We’re all about people and animals,” Dr. Anderson told the guests. “There’s no greater bond. We’re about the horse and this is a celebration of that today.” Dr. Anderson described the project as the “crown jewel of veterinary medicine: a premier state-of-the-art facility that will enable us to set the tone for the future of veterinary medicine within the performance and rehabilitation specialty.” He said this not only defines excellence and innovation, but also bolsters educational opportunities for students and regional large animal veterinarians.

Dr. Steve Adair, equine surgeon and veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation specialist, believes the expansion will help the veterinary medical center focus more attention on rehabilitation, as well as the traditional areas of diagnosis and treatment. “We have equine surgery, internal medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology, cardiology, oncology, anesthesiology, and other specialties.  Now we also have the facilities and abilities to treat diseases and injuries – from diagnosis to treatment to rehabilitation to return to performance – all in one location.”

Jim and Lanny Cope of Cope-Associates Architects, designers of the facility, were recognized, as were Douglas Kennedy and Jon Lawler, of Johnson and Galyon Construction, whose company built the $20.9 million project. For more detailed information about the Equine Hospital visit Cope-Associates projects:

For a video of the construction process, as Large Animal Clinical Sciences Department Head Dr. David Anderson talks to UTCVM Dean, Dr. Jim Thompson, about the expansion of the equine hospital at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medical Center, visit:

The new facility includes:

·  A new client reception area that links directly to a covered unloading area. There is also a sling available that can take a disabled horse directly from trailer to examination area.

·  The Equine Hospital has a dedicated intensive care area, including mare and foal ICU stalls; an isolation area for contagions disease containment; and separate orthopedic, standing, soft tissue and colic surgical facilities.

·  A Diagostic Imaging Center for both large and small animals, including a spiral CT scanner, MRI, and nuclear medicine.

·  Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center, including a lameness diagnostic center complete with event-size arena, diagnostic imaging unit, podiatry and farrier facility with forge, in-ground underwater treadmill, free walker, cold saltwater spa, and solarium

·  Ambulatory/field services, including four fully equipped mobile service vehicles.
The facility is so complete, that if I were a sick or injured horse, this is where I would want to be.

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