Tennessee Youth Rodeo

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Article & photos by Paul Nolte

The action was fast at the Coyote Run Arena in Mason, Tenn., where the Tennessee Youth Rodeo Association held two rodeos on Saturday, March 13, 2021. 

The day started with Owen Prince winning the Steer Saddle Bronc event with high scores of 63 and 68.

Team Roping winners were Jack Kelso and Colton Fenton with a time of 16.79 in the first event.

Girls Goat Tying had winners Emma Collings (11.58) and Roany Clendenin (8.54).

Girls Breakaway roping winner in both rodeos was Emma Collins with blistering times of 3.72 and 2.91.

Boys Breakaway ropomg saw Bracen Dowdy (5.25) and Daniel Wilder (3.21) winning that event.

In Girls’ Barrel Racing, Reese Weir won both events times of 14.60 and 14.88 seconds. 

In Pole Bending Harper Kate Wilburn won both events with times of  20.78 and 21.08 seconds.

Ribbon Roping had the team of Jentry Monroe and Jayleigh Gilbert (11.71) winning the first event, and Daniel Wilder and Roany Clendenin (8.52) winning the second event.

Chute Dogging saw John David Daniel (3.45) win in the morning and Daniel Wilder (2.25) win the afternoon’s event.

Calf Roping had winners Daniel Wilder in the morning with a time of 11.94, and John David Daniel in the afternoon with a time of 14.10. 

Cy Webb won the Bull Riding with a qualifying score of 79 in the afternoon event.

The action was continuous with the organizers putting together a well-run, packed event. Congratulations to all contestants, and thank you to Coyote Run Arena.  The stock provider was Rinehart Cattle, with Keith Brooks providing the bulls.

Next, the Tennessee Youth Rodeo cowgirls and cowboys travel to Decaturville, Tenn. for a rodeo at the Triple P Arena, April 24-25.

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