Hopewell St. Jude Trail Ride

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Photos by Pam Wade

On Saturday October 3, 2020, riders saddled up for the 20th annual Hopewell St. Jude Benefit Trail Ride at the Frank Hines Farm in Hopewell, Mississippi. Organized by Frank Hines and his daughters Savannah Hines Watkins and Laura Hines, it wasvery low-key and social distancing guidelines were followed. It was a last minute decision to move forward with the ride, and it was imperative to keep everyone as safe as possible. The usual Friday night festivities did not take place this year due to COVID-19 concerns.

Trails were marked so folks could follow along with their own group. There was no set time to begin; Frank said, “Just come and ride.”

A tent was set up for folks to sign in, and all riders were required to sign a waiver. A donation box was set up for donations to St Jude. Other fundraising efforts included an auction, T-shirts, hats, and more.

After the ride, Frank and Savannah commented: “We offer the most sincere thanks for everyone’s support this year. It’s amazing to see the outpouring of support every year for this fundraiser. We really struggled with whether or not to proceed with the ride due to the virus, but we’re so happy we did. With only two weeks to get everything lined up, such as food, shirts, registration, waivers, and advertising, we managed to have the most seamless trail ride yet! From the beautiful weather, the delicious food (thank you, Slayden Baptist Church), the people – thank you all!

“We raised approximately $10,500 for the sweet children of St Jude with less than half of our typical turnout. What a blessing! [Last year’s trail ride raised over $18,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.] This year 2020 has been a tough one, but what a feeling of being a part of something bigger than yourself. You are all heroes in my book!  We look forward to seeing you all next year. In the meantime, may God bless…”

Interested in next year’s ride? Find out about it on facebook at: Hopewell St. Jude Benefit Trail Ride.

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