Meridian Equine Wraps Its MTHJA Summer Show Series

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Local riders earned double the points at Meridian Equine’s final show of the season.

Story & photos by Allison Armstrong Rehnborg

The sticky lingering heat of fall in middle Tennessee didn’t stop local riders from showing at the Meridian Equine Education Center’s final schooling show of the season on September 28, 2019. Exhibitors came from barns across middle Tennessee to participate at the show, which took place at Meridian Equine in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

In addition to providing exhibitors with the chance to compete for ribbons in a fun, casual environment, the show offered double the points for the Middle Tennessee Hunter Jumper Association members. Kids and adults alike competed for ribbons and points in classes ranging from lead line on the flat to Pegasus jumpers clearing 3’ fences.  Like Shows I & II, Show III also offered Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) classes. Offered by the Jockey Club, TIP classes provide ex-racehorses with the chance to earn points while they pursue second careers as jumpers. Judged by Devan Cottrell of Franklin, TN, the show rounded out another successful show series for Meridian Equine with a total of 185 trips around the ring.

For more information about this show, visit Meridian Equine at: or on Facebook @MeridianEquineEducation.

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