WTHJA Springtime Shows

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By Nancy Brannon

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Springtime in Dixie, the first show of the West Tennessee Hunter Jumper Association (WTHJA) 2018 season, felt more like “Dogwood Winter,” than spring time. Rain was the main weather pattern for the weekend show of April 5-8, 2018. There was rain on Friday with temperatures hovering around 50°F, and Saturday saw more rain and colder temperatures: 35°F. Fortunately for Sunday’s derbies, sunshine greeted the morning riders, as did a delicious breakfast from Einstein Brothers Bagels with hot coffee. But by late morning, the clouds were back again. Needless to say, the weather was a real damper on the first rated show of the season.

Despite all the rain, the arena footing held up well and show management even got compliments on the footing. The Germantown Charity Horse Show recently gave WTHJA a grant for arena footing improvements.

Two feature classes on Sunday morning were the USHJA Pony Hunter Derby and the WTHJA Hunter Derby. Calder Trotz and Not So Secret won the Pony Hunter Derby, with McKenzie Welch and Magical Me in second. Placings were likewise in the WIHS Pony class.

Winner of the WTHJA Hunter Derby was Alex Jeorg riding Jackson Willard’s Czar Castic. Addison Bihm took second on Kakki Wright’s Comaraderie and third on her own Forever.

Kristen Schnelle won the WIHS/NAL Adult Amateur classic with Adele, and Margaret Weaver riding Vuitton was second.
Alexa Fogelman and Candor took top honors in the WIHS/NAL Children’s Hunter Classic, with Jake Russell and Freedom’s Revenge in second.

Mary Grayson Fauser and Captivate won the Jr./AO Hunter Classic, with Tate Allen and Golden in reserve.
Mary Mielenz and Wendy Merers’Asher were WTHJA 2’9” Champions.

Margaret Weaver’s horse “Louie” Vuitton certainly knows how to entertain himself, and others, at a horse show. On Sunday, he wore his “ear buds,” listening to his favorite horse-themed songs on the “Horse Channel.” Later, he saw a jacket with plaid lining that caught his attention. A namesake of the famous fashion designer, he, of course, had to check out the material. Then he was handed a leather work glove. He chewed on it for a moment, but decided it did not meet his fashion standards, so dropped it on the ground. Vuitton certainly was in high style at the show, taking firsts in seven of nine classes. He was Adult Amateur 36-49 Champion and Modified Child/Adult Champion.

The WTHJA Springtime Encore show, April 12-15, 2018, had real spring weather on Thursday and Friday, with GCHS providing wine and cheese hospitality on Friday afternoon. Alas, the rain was back on Saturday, with Sunday cloudy and quite chilly. The show resumed at noon Saturday, after the Friday night’s and Saturday morning’s deluge. Efficient show management got almost every class finished before dark, with very few class scratches.

The footing was phenomenally good considering the rain. WTHJA got many compliments on the footing both weeks, as the work they and GCHS have done has made a huge improvement.

Sunday morning’s breakfast from Einstein Bagels was great, again, for the second week, and pizza for Sunday lunch was a welcome treat to all.

Adele, ridden by Kristen Schnelle, won the NAL/WIHS Child/Adult Amateur Hunter Classic and the USHJA Adult Amateur/Children’s Handy Challenge.

Ella Trotz and As Ever won the Dover Saddlery/U.S. Medal, with Abigail Sellers and Tee Time taking the win in the ASPCA/Maclay Medal.

Full results of both shows are available at: horseshowsonline.com

I wonder how many riders noticed the Periwinkle in prolific bloom near the north and south arenas. Periwinkle is often grown as a ground cover. Its attractive blooms dot the foliage in April to May, appearing in the color of periwinkle blue.

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