GCHS Gamblers Choice

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Maria Roberts was absolutely thrilled with her win in the Gamblers Choice class on Thursday night, June 8, 2017. Maria was the last of seven riders to go and implemented a strategy to put her over the top with 1200 points.

Roberts was first to go on Fabalou, scoring 600 points. Kiersten Sudlow was the first with to score over 1,000 points – 1070 – on Athena Du Rouet. Then Abby Maxwell really upped the ante on Kidogo, piling up 1180 points to become the new leader. Trey Lawson, on Corville Z, could not beat her score, accumulating 1010 points. Next to go, Cornet’s Humpty Dumpty piloted by Brandon Howard, scored 1080, still not enough to win. Cassie Kime, on Tenacious D, couldn’t break the 1K mark, scoring 980.

Then Roberts was back on Qasqai and this time, the pair racked up 1200 points – for the win!
That put Abby Maxwell in second, Brandon Howard in third, Kiersten Sudlow in fourth and Trey Lawson in fifth. Maria and Trey Lawson were the only two to enjoy the victory lap and, egged on by Trey, Maria took an extra victory “jump” over the 50 point fence on her way out of the arena.

A large contingent of the extended Walker family was on hand to deliver the trophy and ribbon. This class was always a favorite of the late Harold Walker, Jr., for whom the class was re-established by the Walker family in his honor.

Roberts certainly had fun at the Germantown Charity Horse Show. She was back in the arena a few classes to compete in the carriage barrel racing, showing off her skilled driving talents.

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