MTPC Horse Trials

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Photos by Brenda Black

Middle Tennessee Pony Club held their 64th annual Horse Trials on October 8-9, 2016 at the beautiful Percy Warner Park in Nashville, TN. This is the oldest continuously running horse trials in the nation!

Open Prelininary: Jenna Schildmier on Eeny Meeny Miny O; score 37.0
Open Training A: Candace Bell on Fernhill Jet; score 27.8
Open Training B: Candace Bell on Nimbalina; score 29.1
Junior Novice A: Alayna Backel on Phantom Of The Oscar; score 34.0
Junior Novice B: Mallory Mercer on Oliver; score 39.5
Novice Rider: Jeanne Wallace on Qualifier; score 36.8
Open Novice: Alston Kerr on Sir Earl Grey; score 33.3
Open Beginner Novice: Alston Kerr on Stolen Silver; score 25.8
Junior Beginner Novice A: Claire Gamlin on Rebelliously; score 35.0
Junior Beginner Novice B: Sidney Hyatt on Road Rushin’; score 33.3
Open Starter A: Lidia Olyha on Scout; score 32.5
Open Starter B: Missy Carlisle on Cool Beans; score 32.0

Full results are available at:

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