By Lydia Holland
On November 1, 2015, the Woodstock Ghostriders 4-H group of Millington, TN met for their second meeting of the 2015-2016 season. They open all of their meetings with an ice breaker activity and this month was secret agent, where each youth had to secretly pick a “secret agent” and a “body guard.” As everyone moves around, they have to keep their bodyguard between themselves and their secret agent.
It was Election Day and Brooke Pierson was elected as President, Celina Gaither as Vice President and Jax Gaither as Secretary. New to this year’s meeting is “Person of Interest’ where a short presentation of someone interesting in the horse world is given. Last month ‘Person of Interest’ presentation was on Amberley Snyder who is a paraplegic barrel racer. This month’s ‘Person of interest’ is Kendra Hockran who has been involved with the New York 4-H program for the past 9 years. She shared her experience of what is like to be involved with 4-H in New York.
Team building with Matt consisted of making shoes out of denim for the Sole Hope Charity, which provides shoes for Uganda. For more information about Sole Hope please visit
The guest speaker at this meeting was Dr. Kim Garner, veterinarian who owns Big Creek Animal Hospital in Millington, TN. She spoke about the requirements of care and what it takes to own a horse. Dr. Garner discussed what to think about when first buying a horse, transportation to your location after purchase, where to keep your horse, nutrition, training, and health care, vacations, and hoof care.
Woodstock Ghostriders have also added the Clover Bud program this year, which is for K-third graders who want to learn and participate in 4-H, but they don’t actually get to compete in any events.
The Woodstock Ghost Riders’ fall community service project was at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park, clearing the horse trails, on November 29, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2015. For more information about the Woodstock Ghost Riders, check their facebook page or contact Lydia Holland 901-282-9709. They meet on the first Sunday of each month from September thru May.
Woodstock Ghostriders 4-H News