Wings Polo Classic

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By MSHR Staff

Wings Cancer Foundation hosted its second annual Polo Classic on Sunday afternoon September 13, 2015 at the Memphis Polo grounds near Rossville, TN. The weather was absolutely perfect for polo: sunny with highs in the mid to upper 70s. Theme for this year’s event was “Pretty Woman” – Memphis Style. In addition to a six chukker polo match, the event included a ladies hat contest, silent auction, a live auction, and plenty of food and beverages for the attendees. The Mid-South Horse Review was one of several media sponsors for the soirée.

The game pitted the Raymond James team [Midge Ellison, Stuart Irby, Kako Basualdo, and Bayard Erb] against the IPS team [Sayle Atkinson, Oscar Atkinson, Jimmy Wetter, and Alfredo Guerreño] – all Memphis Polo members. Umpire was Jocelyn Atkinson. The teams were evenly matched, as control of the ball swapped so often it resembled a game of ping-pong. The score was tied 5 to 5 going into the last chukker, when the Raymond James team scored a goal to win 6 to 5.
The charity event raises funds for Wings’ programs that help underserved cancer survivors across the mid-south by providing free lymphedema garments, breast prostheses and post-mastectomy supplies, screenings and more. Find more information at:

The next Memphis Polo games are October 4, a benefit for the Junior League of Memphis Sustainer Group, and October 24-25, the Governor’s Cup USPA, a benefit for Somerville Rotary Gift of Life. This game brings the 2015 Memphis Polo season to a close. For more information about Memphis Polo, visit:

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