WarHorses for Heroes


Co-Founders: Trey Lawson and Pearson Allen. Chairman of the Board: Rachel Levine. WarHorses for Heroes is a Mid-south non-profit organization that provides equine-assisted therapy to veterans who have sustained service-related mental or physical injuries.

What are ways you/ your organization have successfully introduced horses to new individuals in our community?
It is an integral part of our mission to introduce horses to individuals who typically wouldn’t have access to them. WarHorses for Heroes is dedicated to the rehabilitation of our veterans through equine therapy.  Through our programs, participants learn to groom, handle, and ride horses. Through building skills and creating bonds with our horses and volunteers in a supportive, natural environment, veterans can begin to heal from their service-related injuries.  
Many of our participants have never seen a horse up close before, and never imagined they would be able to ride one. Because we are committed to never charging veterans for our services, we can reach any veteran, regardless of their cultural background or socioeconomic status.

Describe your personal goals and overall hope and vision for the Equestrian Community in terms of expanding and sharing horses and equestrian sports from individuals from all walks of life:
Our goal has always been to provide a community for our veterans to connect to others through their shared love of horses.  Our continued vision is to provide the skills, support, and connections to open the doors for them to participate in equestrian activities, volunteer with local organizations, and even find careers in the industry.  We want to help those who think they can’t afford to participate in the horse world discover the avenues that are available to get involved.  Even if that involvement is as simple as becoming a companion for a retired school horse, then that is one more horse and human bond created that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible without our support of their journey!

How do you feel equestrian sports can better diversify our equestrian communities? 
Equestrian sports could better diversify our communities by spreading awareness and providing support for more entry-level and affordable activities like 4H, pony clubs, and saddle clubs, events like trail rides, hunter paces, and schooling shows, and volunteer opportunities like internships and working student programs.  

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