Addy Batcheller is an 18- year- old Dressage rider from Little Rock, Arkansas. Addy and her eight- year- old Dutch Warmblood (KWPN), Audi, have been working together as a team and won a regional title in 2023.
Her typical day at the barn consists of riding lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while riding multiple horses on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Get to know this young Dressage rider better in this Q&A:
How long have you been riding?
I’ve been riding for almost 9 years.
How did you get into horses?
I got into horses through a summer horse camp I participated in when I was 8 years old. I never stopped riding after that!
What trainers have you worked with & how have they helped you grow into the equestrian that you are?
I’ve worked long term with a few trainers in my riding career, but the most influential trainer that I’ve worked with is Alex du Celliee Muller of River City Training Stable. She has taken my riding to places I never thought I could have achieved in the past 4 years, and I couldn’t be more grateful to her for taking me as a client when she did. She’s the best!
Describe some riding & horsemanship accomplishments?
Recently, my horse, Audi, and I won GAIG Third Level Junior Champion at Regionals 2023. On my former lease horse, Jase, we won GAIG and SWDC Junior Training level champion in 2021.
What is it about Dressage & horses that interests you?
I love the technicality of dressage and how there is always something that can be improved on. It’s a fun journey to be on, especially with a younger horse.
What are some goals this year & longer term that you are focused on?
With a young horse, my goals change every day, but I’d love to qualify for NAYC for the 2024 year at Juniors.
What is your favorite brand of Saddle?
Bliss of London
What is your favorite hoof oil?
Farrier’s Fix
What is your favorite breeches?
Romfh Isabella
What is your go to product for everything horse related?
I love LeMieux!
Favorite Quote?
“Everything happens for a reason”