Favorite Quote: “Hold on, let me over think this”
Katelyn “Kate” Smith, age 15, has been riding for ten years with nine of those under the supervision of her trainer Jennifer Kelly as well as a few others. Her mother, Tracy Smith, shared that Eventer Katelyn has ridden many different breeds of horses, with different temperaments and riding styles. Riding hasn’t come easily to her, but she continues to put in the work every day with a smile on her face. Having a passion for improvement and a love for horses and other animals, Kate is motivated to continue riding and one day go to college to become a veterinarian specializing in equine dentistry.
In addition to Kate’s perseverance in the riding, Tracy shares that her attitude is what has been most impressive. She maintains a positive attitude and a genuine desire to help others. She assists her trainer every morning and evening (7 days a week), feeding her own horse Chaos (Jockey club name-Wise Spirit, Show Name-Wreaking Havoc), a Thoroughbred Mare, and the other barn horses. She assists with lessons, cleaning stalls, water, and medicine for the horses.
She continues to teach other students to groom, saddle, and bridal their horses. “She has such a kind heart and is very patient when teaching.The kids and adults she helps absolutely adore her!” shared nominator Tracy. Kate is the most positive and encouraging kiddo at a show. She will tell everyone they did a great job and compliment them on how beautiful their horse is even if she does not know them. If another rider needs help, she is first to assist, even offering her own horse iIf someone’s horse goes lame during a show. “She loves to teach the little kiddos how to take care of the horses at a show as well.”
One of Kate’s biggest challenges was overcoming the fear of jumping cross country following a bad accident a year and a half ago. Her horse Chaos hit a hole and clipped a jump causing both of them to land on their faces. Thankfully, Kate’s helmet protected her but she did suffer a broken nose and a concussion. “It has been a long road to get her back to where she was with confidence on XC, but we have finally reached that goal thanks to her trainer Jennifer Kelly!” shared Tracy.
Katelyn hails from Covington, Georgia, and is homeschooled through GA Connections Academy, allowing her ample time for training and traveling to out-of-town shows. Her immediate goal is to return to the Eventing starter level, competing at 2’3” with her horse, Chaos.
Covington, GA
Jennifer Kelly
Home Schooled