Carriage Gambler’s Choice

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Photos by Nancy Brannon

A regular feature of Thursday night’s (June 10, 2021) classes at the Germantown Charity Horse Show is the Gambler’s Choice jumper class, in which riders get to choose their own course around the fences to see who can accumulate the most points in the allotted time. Each fence has a particular number of points and, once the course is completed, riders have the option to jump the Joker, worth 200 points.

Not to be outdone by the jumpers, the carriage folks created their own Gambler’s Choice, using the same course with the poles and obstacles removed and leaving just the jump standards. That is – with an added difficulty: cones placed inside the jump standards with a tennis ball carefully balanced atop them. The drivers have to negotiate the obstacles, accumulate the most points in the allotted time, and not knock over any cones or tennis balls off the cones. It’s another fast-paced, precision driving, exciting class. The class was divided into a Horse division and a Pony division.

KT Barnabus with Laura Lawson driving was the winner of the Horse division. Joanna Wilburn won the Pony division with Rollingwoods Berry Last One. Joanna likes to go last with her pony and try to outdo the current leader. This time it was Natalie Hanisco and Tinker Toy who were leading before Joanna and “Berry Last One” took the course.

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