High Roller Stables Horse Show

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Photos by MA Fisher Photography

The High Roller Stables Team hosted their first horse show on September 21, 2019 at the Marshall County Fairgrounds, Holly Springs, Mississippi. The show was billed as “Cowboys and Cowgirls Kicking up Dust!” and provided both outdoor and indoor arena events. The Straight Away Pace Racing started at 2:30 p.m. and the indoor horse show started at 5:30 p.m. Events included barrel racing, poles, saddle horse, walking horse, racking horse classes, and a variety of others, including Leadline for children age 8 and under.

Anthony Williams won first place in the Best Single Footing Class. Emerille Berry took first place in the Grand Open Barrels Class. Freddie Buggs won first place in Straight Away Pacing Racing. Kory Dushon Hampton was the Best Dressed Kids Cowboy. And Thomas Hamer, Jr. was given an Honorary Award.

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