From Vicki Mitchell; photos by Talisa Gibbs
The Show Place Arena in Memphis, Tennessee was host to the 20th High School Challenge Rodeo March 8-10, 2013. There was a tremendous turn-out, with 230 contestants coming from eight surrounding states to compete. Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama all sent their qualified high school athletes.
During the grand entry, each night had a special theme. Friday night was Vegas night, so some of the cowgirls and cowboys had cards, poker chips, or something Las Vegas related in their hats or on their saddles. Saturday Night was Breast Cancer Awareness, so a lot of them wore pink shirts in support of the “tough enough to wear pink” campaign. Sunday was support your State, so a lot of the participants wore shirts bearing their State colors.
In addition to the “thrill of victory,” the event winners and All Around Cowgirl, Jessica Rowland, and All Around Cowboy, Britt Driggers, received Gist buckles. The State winner for the weekend was Arkansas.
Memphis Challenge Rodeo had a special guest from South Dakota for the weekend’s cowboy church: Rodney Hammerstorm. Rodney shared his testimony of how God brought him out of a 34-day coma and how God was with him throughout his journey back. He was such a blessing to all who attended!
Event Winners for the weekend:
Bareback Bronc: Jonny Walker
Saddle Bronc: Jake Barnes
Barrels: Kaitlyn Eike
Calf Roping: Max Dever-Boaz
Pole Bending: Shelby Tharp
Team Roping: Cooper Lee & Jace Harris
Breakaway Roping: Whitney DeSalvo
Steer Wrestling: DeAndre Jackon
Goat Tying: Ashleigh Baugh
Bull Riding: Tray Watkins
Photos: (photos by Talisa Gibbs)
2302 Jonny Walker Bareback
2767 Nate Hylander Bullriding
3100 Levi Wilson Calf Roping
3134 Garner Holcomb and Ross Mitchell Team Roping
3435 Kenzie Rainey TNHSR Queen
3756 Alison Abernathy Poles
4101 Nathan Smith Bullriding
4294 Hailey Rose Viars Tn Jr Rodeo Queen
4332 Ryan McDaniels Saddle Bronc
4392 Liz Crenshaw Barrels
4544 Ramsey Goolsby Steer Westling
4613 Taylor Coulter Goat Tying
Tennessee High School Rodeo – Memphis Challenge