Woodstock’s Ghost Riders 4-H Compete at State Contest


Shelby County’s Woodstock Ghost Riders 4-H made history this year! In February 2023, the Woodstock Ghost Rider’s 4-H Junior High Team (grades 6th-8th) traveled to the University of Tennessee Knoxville to compete in the State Hippology Contest.

Team members consisted of Kaylee Wooten, Sophia White, Shianne Galayda and John Green Jr. The team is lead by their adult club leader, Ms. Kim Looney, with support from Shelby County 4-H agent Ms. Kyla Szemplinski. 

2023 State Hippology team

The Hippology consists of three parts: 

Written test


Horse Judging

Level of difficulty is based on the youth’s age. Youth can compete at the Junior level (4th-5th) and Senior level (high school age). Scores are tallied and youth are awarded on individual scores, and 4-H clubs are awarded on a team level. 

Shelby County competed against 12 other Tennessee county 4-H clubs. While the team finished in last place, the youth are grateful for the learning opportunity, state competition experience and exposure to campus. They are eager to come back next year even stronger with more team members competing at all the age levels! Woodstock’s Ghost Riders cannot say thank you enough for the support from the county, club leaders/volunteers, youths’ parents, and 4-H agents! 

Woodstock’s Ghost Riders are always looking for new members. Members do not have to own a horse to participate in 4-H. One must only need to love horses and want to learn. 4-H is a great way to have fun, make new friends and learn. Woodstock’s Ghost Riders 4-H Group is open to all ages. For more information about how to join the Woodstock’s Ghost Riders or other Shelby County 4-H clubs, please contact the Shelby County Extension office at 901-752-1207.

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Programs on agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating, UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.


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