HITS Chicago Zone 5 Junior/ Am 1.0m/1.05m Jumper Championships at Lamplight Equestrian Center.

USHJA Zone 5 Junior/ Amateur Jumper Championships took place at HITS Chicago at the Lamplight Equestrian Center the week of July 8. Adeline Cordin-Blitstein and Flower took home the win in the USHJA Jr/Am 1.0m-1.05m Individual Zone Finals, while Oliver Rolfe and Cooper Piccolina took second and Aubrey Allen and Farina took third.
It was Team Paris who won the USHJA 1.0m-1.05m Jr/Am Zone Jumper Team Championships. Team Paris included:
Jessica Pressler & Diamante Diaro
Maya Ferguson & Hickstead’s Curtain Call
Kendall Johnson & Peaky Blinders
Alison Roper & Carissima

Last week was full of excitement at HITS Chicago. Competition continues at Lamplight with the HITS Summertime Series which will conclude July 21st. The Equifest Series will then start July 24th and run until August 11.

The Horse Review will publish more exciting recaps in the upcoming August and September print editions.
If you are at HITS Chicago Summertime series plan to venture over to vendor row and visit our friends, Performeq, your equestrian performance gear specialist. You can find them located on vendor row between the horse show office & the hunter schooling ring.
HITS Coverage is sponsored by Performeq, Your Equestrian Gear Specialists!